Fall Stage Shows, Christmas, and Holiday Event Production In Full Swing At TheatreWorld Backdrops!

Fall Stage Shows, Christmas, and Holiday Event Production In Full Swing At TheatreWorld Backdrops! TheatreWorld is currently enhancing our Holiday, Snows and Christmas backdrop collections. The project began in May and will run through August. First, we are designing and producing 20 new backdrops spanning beautiful settings and architecture from old Europe and through-out the…

New 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s Diner and High School Backdrops Now Releasing!

New 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s Diner and High School Backdrops Now Releasing! Just in time for the Summer Dance and Event season, TheatreWorld Backdrops is releasing many new Signature Series backdrops that will provide just the right imagery for many of the most popular 1950’s – 1970’s stage shows and event themes. Our Creative Team…

Mid-Summer Production and Services Update from TheatreWorld Backdrops!

Mid-Summer Production and Services Update from TheatreWorld Backdrops! Spring was TheatreWorld Backdrops’ busiest 3 months ever! We would like to sincerely thank all our clients for their support and confidence. Your comments about our designs, quality, and customer service levels have been very heartwarming to our entire team and we look forward to supporting you…

THE LITTLE MERMAID Backdrops Now Releasing!

THE LITTLE MERMAID Backdrops Now Releasing! TheatreWorld is pleased to announce our totally revised Disney’s THE LITTLE MERMAID backdrop collection! The revitalized collection is available for rentals starting in June. Our THE LITTLE MERMAID collection began mainly from sketches by multiple members of our international design teams. We’ve designed our collection to support all levels of…

TheatreWorld's Hanted Forest backdrop used in a IZARD OF OZ production by Brookville High

Brookville High School: Jubilant Young Actors, The Wizard of Oz and Better Backdrops

Brookville High School: Jubilant Young Actors, The Wizard of Oz and Better Backdrops It’s always a pleasure when our clients share their experiences from their productions with us. We are proud to have recently been a small part of Brookville High School’s rendition of THE WIZARD OF OZ. They featured pieces from our WIZARD OF…

Tattered American Eagle Professional Scenic Grease Backdrop

TheatreWorld’s Tattered American Eagle Backdrop Completes its Florida Debut Tour

TheatreWorld’s Tattered American Eagle Backdrop Completes its Florida Debut Tour Stages Productions recently embarked on a Florida tour of Let Freedom Sing. Thousands of school children saw and enjoyed the show. The production provided students with an educational and entertaining look into American history. Let Freedom Sing  played many of Florida’s most prestigious theaters. It…

Belle's Town Square Professional Scenic Backdrop

Our Beauty and the Beast Major Enhancement Project is Just About Complete

Our Beauty and the Beast Major Enhancement Project is Just About Complete From off-Broadway to grade school, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is one of the most popular live stage shows. The show is equally popular as an event or dance recital theme, too. Given this, and considering we love the show so much ourselves, TheatreWorld…